Build a home page

This is step by step guide on how to build homepage manually for Home main

Note: You need Wordpress, StartUp & plugins are already. Building other homepages process are similar.

Overview elements area on page


Building header area

You can consult this video guide on How to build Header Area. This process is similar to building Header Area on StartUp theme.

The screenshot below is an header area:

Setting header

Go to Theme Options > Header tab, then setup options for Header Area as your liking


  • You could select a Preset to apply all its settings to Theme Options.
  • Once you choose a Preset and press Load Preset button, it will get all current values in this Preset and apply to options that corresponds in Theme Options (it means that if later you change any option in this Preset will not affect to Theme Options).

  • Upload logo

    Go to Theme Options > Logo Setting tab, do follow:

    Create menu

    Go to Apperance > Menus, do follow:

    Setup Header Custom

    Go to Theme Options > Header Customize, do follow:

    Add widget to Canvas Sidebar

    Go to Widget Manager

    Drag and drop widgets as below to Canvas Sidebar area:

    Update content to these widget as below:

    The Canvas Sidebar on the frontend

    Building footer area

    The screenshot below is Demo Footer Area on the frontend

    Settings Footer

    Go to Theme Options > Footer tab, then setup general options for Footer area and Bottom Bar area.

    Add widgets to FOOTER 1 area

    Go to Widget Manager

    Add G5Plus: Logo widget and Text widget and G5Plus: Social Profile widget to Footer 1 area

    Setup these widgets as below:

    Add widgets to FOOTER 2 area

    Add Text widget to FOOTER 2 widget area

    Add Widgets to FOOTER 3 area

    Add Custom menu widget:

    Add Widgets to FOOTER 4 area

    Add Widgets to BOTTOM BAR CENTER area

    You can create a new widget simply like this:

    Then add Text widget:

    CSS Class:

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