Page Settings

Page Settings is one of the Hebes's features that located within each page and post. Page Settings will only affect the individual page you change them on and overrides options set in the Theme Options and Preset (If this page/post applied any preset).

You could consult our guide on How G5Them Options work for more details about the relationship between Theme Options, Preset and Page Settings

Page Settings In Page

From WP-dashboard, navigate to Page → Add New.

Page Settings

Page Settings that located within each PAGE has 2 sections: General and Menu section.

General Option

General section

Menu Option

Menu section

Any option that was set to be Default or Customize Off means that it will use the value of equivalence option you have set in Preset (if this page apply any Preset) or Theme Options. Insert a different value to override the Preset/ Theme Option value.

Preset and Page Options will use the Theme Options value if left empty or if the value is default. They will override Theme Options if any other value is entered. This setup gives users maximum flexibility for setting a global theme option, then being able to override it on a page/post/shortcode basis

Post Settings

From WP-dashboard, navigate to Post → Add New.

Post Settings that located within each POST has 4 section: General section, Related Posts section, Layout section and Menu section. General and Menu section is similar to Page Setting in Pages, and Post Settings in Posts have 2 more sections for post settings as below:

Single Post

Single Post section

Related Posts

Related Posts section

Any option that was set to be Default or Inhirit means that it will use the value of equivalence option you have set in Blog panel in Theme Options. Insert a different value to override the Theme Option value.

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