

Image Galleries are a great way to share groups of pictures on your WordPress site. In Oars Theme you can not only create a Gallery by using WordPress media uploader, but also setup size/layout/animation etc for images in gallery. You can also use Gallery shortcode to add any gallery to your pages or posts on your site.

By creating a gallery, you can display images in a grid layout with columns and rows. You can show thumbnails for your images, and users can click on them to see the full image.

All Content Block in demo Data

The screenshot below is all demo galleries in OARS demo data. You can manage all galleries here by edit/delete or add a new galery.

Content Block

Manage all galleries

Add a new gallery

We can add a new gallery and setup how it displays on the front-end (this settings will override gallery settings in Theme Options)

Content Block

Add new Gallery

Gallery setting in Theme Options

We can setup Gallery's appearance to apply for all galleries in Gallery Options section in Theme Options

Content Block

Gallery Setting in Theme Options

Gallery shortcode

Gallery shortcode is built-in OARS theme that help you add any Gallery to your page/post

Content Block

Gallery shorcode in Visual Composer

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