How to use


Create a Post

After you install and active Blog,through the admin panel


Blog custom post type is ready
1. Create a category

Navigate to the ‘Blog Category’ in the “Blogs” to add new category. Enter the name and description to add the category.


Create a category

You can view the process (1) ==> (2) ==>(3)

(3) is list of post categories which you created is list of post categories which you created


Categories in frontend

Beside, you can custom for each category with page title and breadcrum seperately

2. Add New Post

Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the Post to add new Post. Enter the title and project description.

Your Blog is gorgeous if you add from Post extra field in Post setting

Then, you select category, set featured image. This featured image will be visible everywhere for this specific Post. Click “Publish” to add the new Post.


You can view and match the number for each element


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