Theme Options

Theme Options located in WP Dashboard → Theme Options includes all global options that affect your entire website. These options can be overwritten by setting options in Meta Options with any page custom Page Settings.

By clicking on the Theme Options menu, you'll be able to change all settings that affect to entire your website.

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Goto Theme Options from WP dashboard

Theme Options are logically organnized into tabs, each tab contains all the options for that specific area within your site.

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16 sections to setup in Theme Options

You could consult our guide on How to use Theme Options for more detail about How to use Theme Options properly on your website.

We highly encourage you to explore the theme options and experimentwith what all the available options can do.


General tab is divided into a few sections. Asides from the Install demo Data section mentioned above, there are a few important sections for you to customize your layout.

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General Settings in Theme Options

General Options:

Attribute Description
Smooth scroll Set Smooth scroll status: on, off
Home Preloader Set enable/disable Home Preloader
Preloader background Color Set Preloader background Color
Preloader Spinner Color Pick a Preloader Spinner Color for the Top Bar
Custom Scroll Set Custom Scroll status: on, off
Panel Selector Set enable/disable Panel Selector
Back to Top Set Back to Top status: on, off
Enable RTL Mode Set RTL Mode status: on, off. For languages that read from right-to-left unlike English which is left-to-right, switch RTL smode, as long as you it's in your language and uses the correct locale.
Layout Style Select the layout style.
Enable Social Meta Tags Set social meta head tag output with status: on, off
Search Popup Set Search Popup status: on, off
Body Background Mode Choose Background Mode with 2 options: Background and Pattern
Body Background Body background (Apply for Boxed layout style).
Maintenance Set Maintenance Mode: On(Custom Page), On(Status Page), Off
Page Transition Set Page Transition status: on, off
Custom Favicon Set Custom Favicon with each screen size
404 Page Set Content Block and content for 404 page
1. On/Off smooth scroll

2. Panel Selector display
3.Back to top
Maintenance Mode

"Maintenance Mode" use for update/maintenance website. Can choose custom page or default(basic)


"Performance" use on/off js & css for faster loading page

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Maintenance Mode

Custom Favicon

Have many options for each devices/screen, view on image to further more details.

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Custom Favicon

404 Setting

You can input information, background for 404 page with out install plugins.

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404 Setting

Frontend display

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404 page on the frontend

Page/Archive Setting

Page/Archive Setting has all options for setting site layout (pls read infomation below each option for more details)

The options in Page/Archive Setting section

Attribute Description
Page Options
Layout You can select one of 3 layouts: Full Width, Container, Container Fluid
Sidebar Set Sidebar Style (choose one in 4 demo styles)
Sidebar Width Set Sidebar Width that be Small (1/4) or Large 1/3
Right Sidebar Choose the default right sidebar
Breadcrumbs Enable/Disable Breadcrumbs In Archive
Show Page Title Enable/Disable Page Title.
Page Title Text Align Set Page Title Text Align
Page Title Parallax Enable/Disable page Title Parallax.
Page Title Height Set a height for the Page title
Page Title Background Upload Page title background.
Page Title Comment Enable/Disable page Title comment
Archive Options
Layout You can select one of 3 layouts: Full Width, Container, Container Fluid
Sidebar Set Sidebar Style (choose one in 4 demo styles)
Sidebar Width Set Sidebar Width that be Small (1/4) or Large 1/3
Right Sidebar Choose the default right sidebar
Paging Style Select archive paging style
Breadcrumbs Enable/Disable Breadcrumbs In Archive
Show Archive Title Enable/Disable Page Title.
Archive Title Height Set a height for the Archive title
Archive Title Background Upload archive title background.
Single Blog Options
Layout You can select one of 3 layouts: Full Width, Container, Container Fluid
Sidebar Set Sidebar Style (choose one in 4 demo styles)
Show Single Blog Title Enable/Disable Single Blog Title
Breadcrumbs Enable/Disable Breadcrumbs in Single Blog Title
Single Blog Title Height Set a height for the Archive title
Single Blog Title Background Upload archive title background.


Header contains all options for setting Header Area such as Layout, Header Top/Bottom Padding.. and customize Header Area (pls read carefully infomation below each option for more details).

Description of Header Options

Attribute Description
Top Drawer Type Set top drawer type that be Disable or Always Show or Toggle
Show/Hide Top Bar Select to Show/Hide Top Bar
Header Layout Select a header layout option from the 9 demo layouts.
Header background Set background for Header with image, color, etc.
Header background color Set the opacity level of background color
Header navigation layout Set Header navigation layout that be Container or Full Width
Header navigation separate Set to enable/disable the header navigation separate
Header navigation hover Select Header navigation hover that by Primary Color or Base Primary Color
Header navigation distance Set distance between navigation items. Empty value to default
Header navigation scheme Set navigation scheme for Header that be : Light/primary color/Transparent/Customize
Header navigation border bottom Set navigation border bottom to be 'Solid' or 'Dashed' or 'Dotted' or 'None' and the color.
Header navigation border bottom opacity Set the opacity level of the borer bottom
Header Float Enable/Disable Header Float.
Show/Hide Header Sticky Set to Show Hide header Sticky.
Header sticky scheme Choose header sticky scheme
Header Customize Organize how you want the layout to appear/disappear on the header
Custom social profiles Select social profiles
Custom Text Content Add Content for Custom Text
Search Box Type Select search box type that be Standard or Ajax Search

Mobile Header

Page Title has options for setting Page Title. You can select the Content Block to displays as a page title content.

You can set the following Page Title Options for the Preset you are currently editing:

Attribute Description
Header Layout Select header mobile layout from 5 demo layouts
Menu Drop Type Set menu drop type for mobile header that be Dropdown Menu or Fly Menu
Mobile Logo Upload your logo or paste the link URL logo
Logo Height/Max Height Insert the Logo Height/Max height
Logo Top/Bottom Padding Insert the padding to override the default logo top/bottom padding
Top Bar Enable/Disable Top bar
Stick Mobile Header Enable/Disable Stick Mobile Header.
Search Box Enable/Disable Search Box
Shopping Cart Enable/Disable Shopping Cart


Footer panel contains all options for setting Footer Area (pls read infomation below each option for more details).

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Footer Options

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Footer on the frontend

Attribute Description
Footer Layout Select the footer column layout.
Footer background image Upload footer background image here
Footer Parallax Enable/Disable Footer Parallax
Footer above layout Select footer above layout
Collapse footer on mobile device Enable/Disable collapse footer
Bottom Bar Set visible of bottom footer area that be On/Off
Bottom Bar Layout Set layout sidebar of footer bottom area
Bottom Bar Left Set sidebar for footer bottom left
Bottom Bar Right Sidebar Set sidebar for footer bottom right

Styling Options

Styling Options allows users to custom and change many options color on website. If you change value in this section, you must click on "Save & Generate CSS"

Attribute Description
Primary Color Setup Primary Color by selecting color or transparent
Secondary Color Setup Secondary Color by selecting color or transparent
Top drawer background color Setup Top drawer background color by selecting color or transparent
Top drawer text color Specify color and transparent for the Top drawer text
Top Bar background color Setup Top Bar background colo
Top Bar text color Setup Top Bar text color
Text Color Set text color
Bolder Color Set Bolder color
Heading Color Setup Secondary Color by selecting color or transparent
Link Color Setup Link Color with regular/hover/active color of the link
Circle countdown Color Setup Circle countdown Color or transparent
Sub menu scheme Set sub menu scheme that be 'Gray' or 'Light' or 'Dark' or Customize by your own
Page Title Background Color Setup background color for Page Title
Page Title Background Overlay Color Setup Page Title Background Overlay color
Page Title Background Overlay Opacity Set the opacity level of the overlay.
Breadcrumbs Text Color Setup the color for Breadcrumbs Text
Breadcrumbs background color Set the background color for Breadcrumbs

Font Options

Font Options contains all options to specify font properties to display as body font/H1/H2 etc,.

Font Options

Attribute Description
Body font Included: Font Family(name of font), Font Size, Font Weight.
H1 Font Specify the H1 font (Font family, Font size, Font Weight & Style)
H2 Font Specify the H2 font (Font family, Font size, Font Weight & Style)
H3 Font Specify the H3 font (Font family, Font size, Font Weight & Style)

Social Profiles

Social Profiles contains all options that allows user to share on various social networks which automatically shows up under the content post, an important function that helps promoting your site. You can check the options to decide which network are allowed to share the content of your website on. You can also turn off all options if you don't want your content to be shared at all.

You can set connection for each area on page :

Attribute Description
Social Share
Social Share You can select Show/hide the social sharing in blog posts
Social Profile
Facebook You can add title, icon, link ad color for icon
Twitter You can add your facebook page/profile url
and other similar social networks

Woocommerce Options

This options section allows you to style the general appearance of the WooCommerce elements on the site (please read carefully infomation below each option for more details). The Woocommerce plugin is required to be installed and activated in order to be able to customize Woocommerce elements.

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Woocommerce Options

Attribute Description
Add To Cart Animation Enable/Disable Add To Cart
Products Per Page Set Products Per Page in archive product (This must be numeric or empty (default 12))
Product Display Columns Choose the number of columns to display on shop/category pages.
Show Rating Show/Hide Rating product
Sale Flash Mode Choose Sale Flash Mode that be Text or Percent
Show Result Count Show/Hide Result Count In Archive Product
Show Catalog Ordering Select to Show/Hide Catalog Ordering
Quick View Enable/Disable Quick View
Woocommerce Options for Archive Product
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Woocommerce Options for Archive Product

Woocommerce Options for Single Product
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Woocommerce Options for Single Product

Shop page on the frontend
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Archive Product Settings

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Archive Product Settings

Single Product page on the frontend
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The Woocommerce Single Product page on the frontend

Woocommerce Cart Page on the frontend
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The Woocommerce Cart Page on the frontend

Custom Post Type

Users can disable the custom post types used within the theme here, by checking the corresponding box. Settings many options for them, also.

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Enable/Disable Custom Post Type

Portfolio Settings
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Portfolio Settings

Attribute Description
Custom Post Type
Disable Custom Post Types You can disable the custom post types used within the theme here, by checking the corresponding box.
Portfolio Settings
Show Portfolio Title Enable/Disable Portfolio Title
Portfolio Title Height This must be numeric (no px) or empty.
Breadcrumbs in Portfolio Enable/Disable Breadcrumbs in Portfolio
Portfolio Title Background Upload portfolio title background.
Portfolio Archive Link Enable/Disable Portfolio Title Parallax
Portfolio Title Height Insert Portfolio Archive Link as your liking (optionally)

Resources Options

Resources options help you utilize boostrap elements to style your store quick and easily.

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Resources section in the Theme Options

Attribute Description
Blog Listing
CDN Bootstrap Script Insert Url CDN Bootstrap Script
CDN Bootstrap Stylesheet Insert Url CDN Bootstrap Stylesheet
Post Per Page Insert Url CDN Font Awesome

Custom CSS & Javascript

Custom CSS & JavaScript contains text fields in case you want to add new CSS class or JS to your website. Save your new CSS & Script by Save Options button. In case you want to add new CSS class or JS to your website, add it in this text box. This will add/overwrite the theme CSS,JS, so please be careful!

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CSS & Javascript Options

Attribute Description
Custom CSS You can add some CSS to your theme by adding it to this textarea (do not include any style tags).
Custom JS You can add some custom JavaScript to your theme by adding it to this textarea (do not include any script tags).


You can back up the options you chose here and restore them later, in case you want to fiddle with it. You can even swap data between different installations by pasting the text in the box under Transfer Theme Options Data and click Import Options button.

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Import/Export Options

Attribute Description
Import Options You can import data from file or URL. This will overwrite all existing option values, please proceed with caution!
Export Options You can copy/download your current option settings. Keep this safe as you can use it as a backup should anything go wrong, or you can use it to restore your settings on this site (or any other site).
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