There are two ways to update Wolverine theme. The first method is to use Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin. The second is the upload the theme manually, either via FTP or WordPress. This is the traditional method and this method requires you to download the update-theme files from ThemeForest first.
How To Update Via Envato WordPress Toolkit
This is a quick and easy way to make sure that you keep all of your wordpress themes from ThemeForest up-to-date and without having to log into ThemeForest
Note: We highly recommend backing up your theme, files and entire database before updating.
Step 1 – Install and activate Envato Toolkit plugin
Step 2 - Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard => Envato Toolkit section of your installation.
Step 3 – Register by your username on ThemeForest and ThemeForest API Key.
Step 4 –If there is an update you’ll see that it will say ‘update automatically ‘, all you have to do is click OK.
Step 5 – Wait for the update to complete. A success notification will be displayed once the theme is updated successfully.
Step 6 – Don’t forget to update the Wolverine-Framework
Manual Update Method
With the Manual Update Method, you can either choose to upload the theme files manually via FTP or WordPress. Before you can update manually, you have to download the theme files from ThemeForest. Continue reading below for instructions on how to download the theme files and how to upload them.
Please consult and follow the step-by-step guide here to update theme to latest version
Note: We highly recommend backing up your theme, files and entire database before updating.
After Updating
After you are done updating your theme please also perform the following steps:
- Clear your Site & Browser Cache
- Updating Visual Composer
Troubleshooting (related topics in customers support)