Content block

Content Block — is specific layout of content that will be saved, then you will be able to reuse it to display in Page Title area, Top Bar area, 404 page, Top Drawer or Footer area (configure in Theme Options or Preset, and the Page Title setting in Page Options). By using Content Block you will be able to save tons of time in case you need to create specific layout on and apply it to be Top Bar/Top Drawer or Page Title/Footer, you can also use Content Block for 404 Page.

You can consult our video guide on How to use Content Block in Lustria theme for more details (In this video we used Emo theme for example and it is similar to Lustria theme)

Video guide on How to use Content Block
All Content Block in demo Data

The screenshot below is all content block in Lustria demo data. You can manage all your content block here by edit/delete/view.

Content Block
Add New a Content Block
Content Block
Use Content Block in Theme Options (similar to Preset)

Top Drawer Option

Content Block
Top Bar Option
Content Block
Page Title Option
Content Block
Footer Option
Content Block
Use Content Block in Page Setting
Content Block
Use Content Block in 404 Page
Content Block
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