Meta Options

Meta Options (or Page Settings)is one of the Darna 's features that located within each page and post. Meta Options will only affect the individual page you change them on and overrides options set in the Theme Options

Any option that was set to be Default or Customize Off means that it will use the value of equivalence option you have set in Theme Options. Insert a different value to override the Theme Option value. It will override Theme Options if any other value is entered. This setup gives users maximum flexibility for setting a global theme option, then being able to override it on a page/post/shortcode basis

From WP-dashboard, navigate to Page → Add New or Post → Add New. Meta Options that located within each PAGE has 10 sections:

Content Block

Meta Options located in Page

Meta Options will use the Theme Options value if left empty or if the value is default.

Page Title

This option is used for setting Page Title in your page. It will overwrite Page Title settings in Theme Options. Any option is set to "Default" which means they will take on the global options set in DarnaTheme Options

Content Block

Page Title section in Meta Options

You can set the following Page Title Options for the Page you are currently editing:

Attribute Description
Show/Hide Page Title? Set visible of header, if selected default will take value in Theme Options
Custom Page Title Set content of page title. If leave empty will take value title of page
Page Title Text Color Optionally set a text color for the page title.
Page Title Background Color This option allows you to optionally set a background color for the page title.
Background Image Set custom Background Image for page title.
Page Title Overlay Color Set an overlay color for page title image.
Custom Overlay Opacity? Set Custom Overlay Opacity
Page Title Height Enter a page title height value (not include unit)
Breadcrumbs in Page Title Set visible of breadcrumbs for page title. If selected Default will take value in Theme Options
Remove Margin Bottom Click On/Off Removing Margin Bottom button

Page Header

This option is used for setting Header Area in your pages such as Layout, padding, float... It will overwrite Header settings in Theme Options. Any option is set to "Default" which means they will take on the global options set in DarnaTheme Options

Content Block

Page Header section in Meta Options

You can set the following Header Options for the Page you are currently editing:

Attribute Description
Page Menu Optionally you can choose to override the menu that is used on the page
Is One Page Set page style is One Page
Show/Hide Top Bar Select options to Show or Hide Top Bar.
Top Bar Layout Set layout of Top Bar. If no selected will take value in Theme Options
Top Left Sidebar Set the sidebar to display as Top Bar Left. If no selected will take value in Theme Options
Top Right Sidebar Set the sidebar to display as Top Bar Left. If no selected will take value in Theme Options
Show/Hide Header Set to show or Hide the Header
Header Layout Set layout of header. If no selected will take value in Theme Options
Set header customize? Enable/Disable the header customize
Mobile Header Search Box Select to show or hide Mobile Header Search Box
Mobile Header Shopping Cart Select to show or hide Mobile Header Shopping Cart
Header Sticky Set sticky mode for header. If selected default will take value in Theme Options
Custom Logo Select or upload the custom logo. If selected default, it will take value in Theme Options

Page Footer

This option is used for setting Footer Area in your page. It will overwrite Footer Settings in Theme Options. Any option is set to "Default" which means they will take on the global options set in DarnaTheme Options

Content Block

Page Footer section in Meta Options

You can set the following Footer Options for the Page you are currently editing:

Attribute Description
General Settings
Show/Hide Footer? Set visible of footer, if selected default will take value in Theme Options
Footer Layout Set layout sidebar for footer, if not selected will take value in Theme Options
Bottom Bar Settings
Show/Hide Bottom Bar Set visible of footer bottom area, if selected default will take value in Theme Options
Bottom Bar Layout Set layout sidebar of footer bottom area, if no selected will take value in Theme Options
Bottom Bar Left Sidebar Set sidebar for footer bottom left, if no selected will take value in Theme Options
Bottom Bar Right Sidebar Set sidebar for footer bottom right, if no selected will take value in Theme Options

Page Layout

This option is used for setting Page Layout in your pages. It will overwrite Page Layout settings in Theme Options. Any option is set to "Default" which means they will take on the global options set in DarnaTheme Options

Content Block

Page Layout section in Meta Options

You can set the following Page Layout Options for the Page you are currently editing:

Attribute Description
Layout Style Overwrite the Default Layout Style (set in Theme Options) for this page.
Page Layout Overwrite the Default Layout of pages settings section in Theme Options for this page.
Page Sidebar Set position for the page sidebar: none, left, right, both of left and right
Left Sidebar Select the sidebar to display as the left sidebar
Right Sidebar Select the sidebar to display as the right sidebar
Sidebar Width Select the width of sidebar that be "Default" or "Small (1/4)" or "Large (1/3)
Page Class Extra Add class extra in to body tag for this page
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